Country Gal by Vanita Blundell
Our hearts are with the family of David Timmons. He will be missed not only by his family but the community as well.
The weather has been a deterrent to going outside. I cannot take the heat at all. So I am spending my time inside. I would like to say that I am using my time for good instead of evil- Well, maybe not evil so much as, not really getting anything accomplished. This would be the perfect time to clean out closets and drawers. I would like to get the closets all straightened up, by I am not sure that I have had the proper inoculations. But it needs to be done- no it must be done. But what brought this to mind was that Max and Rhonda came out to the house the other day and brought me a clipping from the Western Star. It was the announcement of the marriage of his mom and dad, Theo and David Cary. They had found it on the floor of one the closets in Aunt Theo house. We have no idea how long it had been there but it is good that it was retrieved. I liked the remarks that the writer of the article had about Aunt Theo- it told of her prior education of graduating from Coldwater High School and that she had attended Hays College and that she had taught one term in the Pike district, and that she had closed a ‘successful’ term of school in the Shimer district, that would have been a one room country schools. I would think that anyone who could teach all eight grades, without the help of a Para, or a janitor, and no one died including the teacher-it would be called successful. They had no heat except for a stove in the corner of the room. I think it would have been coal. I do not know what they did when it got too hot- they did not have fans- but they did not start school until after Labor Day and they let school out in April for the country schools so the kids could help out at home with the farming. Maybe the heat would not have been so bad. But there was no electricity; I just do not know how they did it. I just know that they were a tougher than me.
Back to the article- this is what I thought was interesting it said “Her many womanly qualities have won for her many friends”. I am not sure what exactly that meant but everyone who met my Aunt Theo loved her. She was a great gal. We do not write about peoples character much anymore in out wedding announcements. Maybe that is for the best for some but it is nice to see in print that she was respected. It did not leave Uncle David out it said he was a farmer after his graduation and that he “is an industrious and dependable young man”. It also said that “their many friends wished this worthy young couple many years of happy married life”. They did have a long life together. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and then some. I wish that all couples could live to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary and do it happily.
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